Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This past weekend, I went with my two friends Kat and Leslie to Strasbourg and then to Baden Baden, Germany for a day! The weekend itself was FABULOUS!! Strasbourg was absolutely beautiful and Baden Baden was. . . well . . . an adventure! (More to come on that in an update email!)

Strasbourg, France!!

At the end of the trip, our original train leaving Strasbourg coming home was scheduled at 10 in the morning and we were to get into Lyon around 4 in the afternoon - so about a 6 hour train ride - I know . . . Yikes!! But guess what!!?? Transportation is on strike this week in France!! Go figure!! So after a few delays and even my connecting train from Lyon to Chambéry being completely CANCELED, I finally got home around midnight!!!

(This is the train station in Strasbourg! It's just a giant bubble of glass!! So modern - such a contrast to the city - but it totally fits!)

I think it's sooo crazy how they can just cancel an entire train!! Luckily it wasn't the last one of the night, so I was able to get the 10 pm train coming home, but still . . . so not cool! It was one of the longest days of my life!

Then what I forgot to even consider was my form of transportation to the schools where I teach - the public bus!! Yes, that's right! They're on strike, too!! So it goes without saying, I was a little late for work today . . . and will be for the rest of the week!!

Also going along with this whole theme of transportation: I was walking through the halls today of one of my schools, and as I looked out, I saw my fifth grade students riding around the playground on their bikes, weaving in and out of orange street cones! They have started their bike classes, so every student has to bring their bike and helmet to school every day, and they go out and learn how to be "defensive" bike riders!!! Haha!!!

Word of the day: un hérisson = a hedgehog!

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