Friday, June 5, 2009

The Sweetest Thing!

During one of my fifth grade classes today, I was giving instructions for an activity in French, and I made a mistake. One of the students, whose name is Greg and is ALWAYS a pain in my side started laughing at me, and at the same moment, another student - Fred - started yelling at him, saying "Shut up! Don't laugh at her! I'd like to see you try and say the same thing in English!" It was so sweet!!! I said, "Thank you, Fred! That was very nice!" And then he smiled at me and said, "You're welcome" in his cute French accent!!

I'm ready for it to be the end of the school year!! Je ne supporte plus ces gamins!!

Phrases I could go for the rest of my life without hearing EVER AGAIN:

  • "Mais arrête!"
  • "Tais-toi!"
  • "Il m'a touché (enter body part here)!"
  • "Je ne comprends rien!"
  • "Mais chut!"
  • "Amanda, (enter pointless question here - such as 'Can I use a pen?' or 'Should I underline this?') They are OBSESSED with using their fricking rulers!!! French teachers have them trained like dogs to pull that thing out and underline EVERYTHING!!!

Summer vacation in less than a month!!!!!!!!!!!